Thursday, August 6, 2009

Credit Cards.......ehhh

Alright so Chad and I are finally on the same page or I should say the same book on getting our debt paid off and feeling the sting of our flesh when we can't buy everything we want. I just made the first step of Dave Ramsey and cut up 16 of our Credit cards. We are tired of working to pay off stuff that cost double by the time we paid the card off. Granted, it is a challenge when you need credit as a self employeed person and your client has not paid you yet. This bondage has proven to keep us in the poor house for 12 years now and we are ready to move on to something better. Paying in cash actually feels really good. You see that you only have this amount in your envelope and you make a decision. The ATM is just a swipe away and you have no cares in the world what it is buying of if you actually need all of that stuff.

We have a long way to go but there is something about our debt not getting bigger b/c the card is gone that makes you feel a tinge of hope.

the definition of insanity is: "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results." Well I'm doing something new and it feels great.


1 comment:

  1. You go girl! We do not use credit cards (and if we do we pay them off at the end of the month). I will say it is hard not to have that immediate gratification at times, but well worth it to not be in debt. Funny that I made a sign in my office just last week that says "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten".....I like your version even better! :) Jill (Pete's sis)
